

Heat-Saver Greenhouse Poly, 6 mil, 4 year, 25' wide
greenhouse poly, greenhouse plastic
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Price: $7.25

Product Code: PF-HS

Description How To
A great film to grow under!
Will not breakdown in the sun, the cold, or the heat
25' wide, $7.25 per linear foot
Heat-Saver is a 6 mil, 4 year film, with an anti-interior-drip feature.
Other available widths (in amounts greater than 1,000 sq. ft.) include: 6', 12', 14', 16', 20', 28', 32', 36', 40', 48' and 52'
Call or email with lengths longer than 40' and we would be pleased to quote a delivered price (only available in British Columbia)
Anti-interior-drip greenhouse poly

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